Ministry of Water Supply
The Ministry Of Water Supply is responsible for the supply of water catering to the needs of all households in the country, maintenance of existing water supplies and drainage systems according to high standards, improvement of infrastructure in relation to the sewerage system, and supply and distribution of quality potable water encouraging private and state investments in the field. The activities of the Ministry directly contribute to Sri Lanka’s achievement of global sustainable development commitments relating to Water and Sanitation (SDG 6), particularly in ensuring universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water, sanitation, and hygiene for all.
In order to accelerate Sri Lanka’s progress on SDG 6 relating to Water and Sanitation, a technical workshop was conducted by the Sustainable Development Council with the Ministry of Water Supplies, the State Ministry of Rural and Divisional Drinking Water Supply Project Development, NWSDB, Department of National community water supply and the Water Resources Board. The objective of the workshop was to provide guidance on the preparation of institutional action plans in alignment with SDGs and to strengthen the capacity of the ministry and the institutions to monitor progress. Capacity building for generation and compilation of data relating to changes in water-use efficiency by sector, level of water stress, and the degree of integrated water resources management implementation was a key aim of the workshop.
The workshop was attended by senior planning officials of the ministry, the state ministry, and the institutions. The workshop was conducted by the officials of the Sustainable Development Council with technical support from the Department of Census and Statistics Sri Lanka and UNDP Sri Lanka.