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The Launch of Sri Lanka SDG Investor Map

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The Launch of Sri Lanka SDG Investor Map

30 Aug 2022




Bandaranaike Memorial International Conference Hall

Sri Lanka’s  first ever SDG Investor Map was launched yesterday in Colombo, in the presence of  over 100 stakeholders representing the government, private sector, international development partners and the media commencing a new Chapter in the financing and investment landscape in Sri Lanka driving private capital flows towards the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Innovative financing mechanisms become imperative to synergize the government, private sector, and capital markets to generate the additional resources needed to finance the SDGs. The SDG Investor Map is therefore a timely intervention that would provide the potential investors with the required market information relating to potential investment opportunity areas. 

Through consultations with over 50 public and private sector organizations, the Map has identified 15 Investment Opportunity Areas across 5 SDG priority sectors such as Renewable Energy, Healthcare, Infrastructure, Food & Beverages and Consumer Goods that are very much in line with Sri Lanka’s strategic development priorities. 

The Sri Lanka SDG Investor Map will offer a compelling pathway for private sector entities to increase the alignment of their investments with the SDGs to rejuvenate the economy in a sustainable manner by utilizing the SDG framework as its guide.

The SDG Investor Map is an innovative financing tool rolled out by UNDP globally and the Sri Lanka SDG Investor Map was developed in collaboration with the Sustainable Development Council, the Board of Investment with technical support of the The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce.