Virtual Event
Sri Lanka SDG Investor Map
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Sri Lanka, in collaboration with the Sustainable Development Council, recently initiated the process of developing the Sri Lanka SDG Investor Map – an innovative market intelligence tool which will support the government in converting SDG needs and policy priorities into investment opportunities and business models.
Impact investments focus on creating measurable and beneficial impacts on the environment or society, alongside commercial returns. It plays a major role in unlocking new levels of private capital towards SDGs.
A National Level Core Reference Group was established representing the Ministry of Economic Policies and Plan Implementation, the BOI Sri Lanka, the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, the Department of National Planning, the Department of External Resource, the The Ceylon Chamber of Commerce and the Colombo Stock Exchange to support the development of the Sri Lanka SDG Investor Map.
The inaugural meeting of the Core Reference Group was convened jointly by the UNDP Sri Lanka Resident Representative, Robert Jukham and the Director General of the Sustainable Development Council, Chamindry Sparamadu.
The Director General, in her opening remarks noted the commitment of the government towards achieving the SDGs while explaining the challenges Sri Lanka is facing in achieving progress due to the financing gap which has been widened due to the Covid-19panedmic. She further emphasized the importance of sustaining adequate financing and exploring alternative and new financing mechanism to enable Sri Lanka to achieve SDGs by the target year.