Virtual Event
The Sustainable Development Council of Sri Lanka (SDCSL), together with the Ministry of Finance- Sri Lanka is collaborating with UNDP Sri Lanka to develop and launch the Sri Lanka SDG Investor Map, an innovative financing tool available for countries to mobilize private capital towards SDGs.
SDG Investor Maps help countries galvanize resources from the private sector for development. Produced by UNDP Country Offices as part of their portfolio of assistance to countries in addressing the financing gap for SDGs, the Investor Map is a market intelligence product that helps provide private investors (funds, financiers, corporations) identify investment opportunities and business models that advance the SDGs.
This innovative tool is being successfully implemented in several countries including India, China, Brazil, and Colombia can make a significant contribution to filling the financing gap by mobilizing private capital for the SDGs in key sectors such as food & beverage, renewable & alternative energy, healthcare, technology, communications, infrastructure etc.